Our Mission
To celebrate dignity and respect for all,
nurture lifelong spiritual growth,
act for justice and equality,
and serve the wider community.
Utopia by Manuel Velazquez

Letter from the Minister
February 2025
Many activities, held outside of Sunday morning services, occurred either weekly, monthly, daily or annually over the past year. Most were organized and/or sponsored by UUC — partially supported by member and friends' pledges. Without the buildings and grounds at 2470 Nursery Road, none of these in-person gatherings could have occurred.​
Click HERE to read the full letter.
Open Issues @ 9:30 AM: In person and Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96665631829
What's the topic? CLICK HERE!​
Sunday Service @ 10:30 AM: In person and Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96711901492
What's the sermon? Who is speaking? Preview the Order of Service? CLICK HERE!​
Youth Religious Education (10:30 AM - 11:30 AM)
Children remain with their parents during the first few moments of worship service before going to RE class. Click HERE to learn more. ​
Coffee Hour @ 11:45 AM: In person and Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96711901492
Upcoming Events at UUC
Saturday, March 22, 2025 | 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Rev. Dennis McCarty Presents "Michael Servetus"
Ticket price is $10/person
To buy tickets, click on the "Buy Tickets Online" button below, and then:
Enter the ticket price ($10) in the top field.
Select "UUC Ways and Means Committee" from the "Give to (Please Select Fund) drop-down field (click on the little arrow and scroll through the selections until you see "UUC Ways and Means" at the bottom.
Click the "Continue" button to finalize your ticket purchase.
Call the front office at (727)531-7704 if you have any questions.