Social Groups
Are you looking to meet new people? Here are some groups dedicated to fostering social connections and community.
Coffee Hour on Sundays
We meet up after Sunday Service in the Social Hall (starting just after Service ends @ 11:30 AM until around 12:45 PM). Bring your own coffee cup, we'll supply the coffee and friendship!
Occasional Pot-luck Lunches on Sunday
Check out the calendar or read the Octagram (our weekly electronic newsletter, which you can view at the bottom right-hand side of the website) for updates. Please bring a dish to share.
PLEASE NOTE: A commercial catering business has rented our commercial 5 days a week (Monday - Friday, from 3:00 AM - 9:00 AM). It is vital that we keep in mind that this is a shared space. We must all pitch in to ensure that we are maintaining high standards for cleanliness, as we are routinely inspected by the Health Department. Using the kitchen requires food safety training, which can be arranged through the Campus Administrator (
As UUC embraces the social gatherings we have all been missing, we are continually looking for ways to meet up that don't require the use of the kitchen (due to the requirements for use). We ask that folks be mindful when they bring food to share (making sure to bring your own containers/crockpots, etc...), as storage is limited here. Please bring your own reusable plates, silverware, drinking glasses and serving utensils.
** On Hiatus Until Further Notice** Mah Jong
Are you a fan of Chinese Mah Jong? Want to learn how to play? Show up at the Social Hall on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) to play with us!
B.E.E.R. Group (Brothers Engaged in Esoteric Repartee)
Show up at the 1933 Pub & Grill in Clearwater on the 4th Thursday of the month to enjoy fellowship with men.
Zoom Host for Meetings
Are you "geeky", and enjoy learning new software? Or maybe you're already well-versed in Zoom hosting and would love to help us out with our (MANY!) Zoom meetings. If you're willing to host board meetings, services on Sunday or other events, we'll provide the training. Times and dates are variable. Contact UUC's Board of Trustees President to learn more. ​
Buddhist Fellowship
The Buddhist Fellowship was founded by UUC member Frank Tedesco, Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies and an internationally recognized Dhamma Teacher. We meet in-person and on-line to reflect on Buddha’s guidelines for a balanced, socially engaged, moral life: The Four Noble Truths and the comprehensive Eightfold Path. The teachings directly address our shared experience of impermanence: birth, aging, sickness and death. We cherish others, putting other beings before narrow, personal interests. Our discipline is the conscientious cultivation of the immeasurable virtues of friendliness, compassion, joy in others' happiness and equanimity in the ups and downs of life. Spiritual progress manifests in steadily developing forgiveness, beneficent kindness and compassionate action in everyday life. For more information, contact Frank at
PSI Symposium
The PSI Symposium exists for the study, by UUs and the UU tradition, of areas not yet necessarily recognized by traditional science. Some examples include ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception), near-death experiences, reincarnation, ghosts, quantum physics, yoga, meditation, spiritualism, Wicca, astrology, eastern religions and alternative healing.
For more information, please reach out to Bobbie Watson (, or Frank Tedesco (
Community Garden: Beacon Food Forest
UUC has a Garden and Food Forest on our campus which continues to grow and thrive. It is producing abundantly in annual garden vegetables, perennial fruit trees, bushes and vines, medicinal herbs, plants and shrubs and a very busy bee/butterfly garden. It has attracted over 40 adults and children from the wider community with plots of their own and hundreds of visitors who seek information and inspiration. Several refugee women and their sponsors and translators participated in an orientation and are actively gardening. Visit our Facebook page.