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Our Elected Leaders

Active List 2022-2023

The Board of Trustees of the congregation develops administrative policy, is accountable for the business affairs of the congregation and is the trustee of the property of the congregation. New board members are voted on at an annual meeting in May.


Margie Manning, President

I have been a Unitarian Universalist since 1987, when my husband Mike, our daughters and I joined Eliot Chapel, a UU congregation in St. Louis.  Mike and I joined Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater in 2013, and I have served as president of the Board of Trustees since June 2021.


I was elected to our Board of Trustees in June 2020. I am also a worship associate at UUC.


In January 2022, I joined the Congregational Life staff at the Unitarian Universalist Association, serving part-time as a coach for Hope for Us, a team that serves congregations in conflict.




Contact Margie at:

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Barbara Brandt, Vice President

Formerly from New York, Barbara has been living in Florida since her marriage 48 years ago and joined UUC in 2002.  She has been very active in the congregation over the years serving as Chair and Co-chair of the Annual Book Sale, on the Social Justice Committee, and volunteering in the nursery.  One of her favorite jobs was teaching at the Hispanic Center pre-school for 5 years. Barbara volunteered in the UUC office for a decade before it closed due to the pandemic. She was Chair of the Office Volunteers for 7 years and created a manual for office workers, equipment and resources.  Serving on the Board of Trustees twice before, Barbara has also served on the By-laws committee and was Chair of an earlier Policy Committee.  Currently on the Membership Audit committee, she is honored to serve on the board again with the current leadership.


Contact Barbara at:

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Lore' Eargle, Secretary

Lore' Eargle awakened to life in Tacoma, Washington. Her father's military service sent the family of five to California, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, Wyoming, and finally to Florida. After graduating from high school in Orlando, Lore earned a B.A. in psychology, an M.A. in counseling psychology, and then an A.S. in Computer Engineering. In March 2022, Lore retired from 20 years of work at Nielsen, the "TV ratings company." At Nielsen, she worked as a technical writer and scrum master. In total, she wrote software/hardware manuals, procedures, and a variety of other documents for almost 30 years.




Contact Lore' at:

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Joe Pace, Treasurer

Joe Pace has been a UU for a number of years, initially joining River Road UUC in Bethesda, Maryland. Since becoming a Florida resident and coming to UUC, Joe served on the UUC Finance Committee for years and was Chair of that committee before becoming UUC Treasurer in December 2020. Joe is also on the Board of the UUC Endowment Foundation. For over 50 years, Joe has been an economic consultant to a number of major companies in a wide variety of industries, and has testified as an expert economic witness in dozens of federal and state court and regulatory proceedings. He received his BA degree from the College of William and Mary, and his masters and PhD degrees in economics from the University of Michigan.


Contact Joe at:

Eloise Hardman

Originally from Iowa, raised in St. Petersburg, Eloise has her BA in Business Management from USF Tampa. Retired after 33 years with the Social Security Administration, she and her husband Jay became members of UUC in May 2011. Among other teams, she's been an office volunteer, active on three auction committees, formerly on Reconciliation, former chair of Nominating as well as Community Builders. Currently on Membership Audit committee and cochair of Care Circle. She enjoys travel, genealogy & cooking.

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Harriet Ha-Sidi

I became a UU in 1969 in Freeport, Long Island prior to dedicating my first child.  When we moved out East, I became a very active member of UUFSB in Stony Brook, NY.  There I served on the Board, the Social Justice Council, the Racial Concerns Committee, the Finance Committee, and the choir.  I also served as a Worship Associate and a Welcoming Assistant among other things.




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Chuck Shimer

Some facts about me:

  • I am 80 years young. 

  • I have been married to Jeannie for 60 years, and we have been members of UUC since 1982.

  • I previously served on the board several years ago during Rev. Abhi’s ministry.

  • I also was the chair of the search committee that hired Rev. Millie Rochester.

  • I was a Chiropractor for seven years right here in Clearwater. 



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Joe Myers

Growing up in Tampa, I spent 6 years in Catholic schools while attending Presbyterian Sunday School.  In college, I explored different religions and puzzling at the variety of religious messages, became an agnostic.  My first wife, Garnette, was a Methodist and desired to raise our children in that religious environment, which is where I met Ann, and married her after Garnette passed away.





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Chris Mueller

I joined UUC in 2018, having moved to Clearwater the previous fall. This is the first congregation of any kind I ever committed to. I was initially attracted to the community garden and Black Lives Matter and wanted to help facilitate the Beloved Conversations curriculum. I volunteered briefly in the office, helped in the kitchen for Sunday snack for two years, joined the Property Committee a few years ago, primarily with an interest in helping maintain the beautiful grounds, have participated in covenant groups, FAST and the Nominating committee one year.



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Kelly Tew

Kelly Tew grew up in no one hometown. As a child of Air Force parents, she has lived on 1 planet, in 2 countries, 7 states, 15 cities, and over 35 bedrooms. When pressed, Kelly will tell you she is from Texas, but only because that’s where she first kissed a boy and where she graduated from high school. (These occasions were not connected.) She lives in St. Pete and is trying desperately to move back to Largo. Keep your fingers crossed for her. Currently, Kelly works as a copywriter for a software company in Palm Harbor and prays every night they won’t make her go back to working in the office; after all, none of those clothes fit anymore.




Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


 Unitarian Universalists Of Clearwater
2470 Nursery Road
Clearwater, FL 33764


Phone: (727) 531-7704



(UUC's electronic newsletter)

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